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Fish are not a game, but the game is getting Personal.


We Have a Voice..

It needs to be heard.

We want to develop a platform that we can use to voice our opinions to those that need to hear them.


Signing our petition is the first small step.


Donating will fund our next ones.


  •  Advocacy

  •  Better Data Collection

  •  Public Education

  •  Appropriate Regulations



100% of donations will fund new research, advocacy, and marketing to preserve the ability to harvest fish for dinner.


We're Going to Fight Together!

Shore Fisherman, MA

"I had an awesome morning catching dozens of bass but they were all too big to keep now. I love to eat them but now I don't know if I can."

Charter Captain, CT

"I have never seen so many boats at the dock, usually this time we're all out fishing. This is hurting our businesses"

Recreational Boat Angler, RI

“I have never seen so many striped bass so early? The fish seem to be thriving yet we're being told otherwise?”


Preserving Sustainable Fish Harvest 


Advocates for "Catch and Release" Fisheries, and "Game Fish" status's have been preached for so long it's become household terminology amongst the public. We must educate the public as to why this has been preached and also why it is wrong.

Data Collection

Our current method of collecting data is flawed. Those that wish to see our fisheries shut down enjoy this method as it highlights only statistics that align with their goals. However what we see on the water just does not match up. We believe a better way is out there.

Appropriate Regulations

We all believe in regulations and see the value they provide to sustain healthy fisheries. However blindly agreeing to stricter regulations based on bad data does not make them appropriate. We want the regulations to align with the science and the different ways we each fish.

Together We Can Keep Fish on the Menu!



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