We Need You!

Every Dollar You Donate Will Make A Difference....

The reality is, as fisherman, our way of life has become blindly regulated beyond recognition. For years our decision makers have been told and bullied into submission that our fishing stocks are in perilous decline. We need to begin the long process of re-educating an industry, a public, and a group of decision makers that they have been fed bad data, skewed science, and in some cases many lies in order to sway their votes to a small portion of the fisheries "catch and release only" anglers.
To rebuild the correct mindset, provide evidence and science that is required to prove without a doubt that our fisheries are healthier than ever, we need to fund new research, new science, and a marketing initiative that has no limitations. To achieve our goals we are relying on those of you that these regulations effect the most. The men and women that want FISH4DINNER. If you enjoy fishing and eating fresh fish we ask you to please consider donating to our fight. Every dime will go towards sustaining our way of life.
We appreciate your donations and they will be put to good use!